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원문: http://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001569/files/53211_49758.html --- Miscellaneous Notes on Snow Ukichirō Nakaya --- Preface Ukichirō Nakaya ( 中谷 宇吉 郎 , July 4, 1900 – April 11, 1962) was a Japanese physicist known for his contributions in the field of glaciology. He was born in Kaga, Ishikawa prefecture. Nakaya majored in experimental physics under Torahiko Terada ( 寺田 寅彦 ), who he mentions by his pen name Fuyuhiko ( 冬彦 ) in this essay, Miscellaneous Notes on Snow ( 雪 雑 記 Yuki zakki ). He graduated the University of Tokyo with a Master of Science degree in 1925 and continued his studies in physics at King’s College, London under Owen Willans Richardson until 1929 . Nakaya was appointed Professor of Physics at Hokkaidō University in 1930, where he remained associated for the rest of his life. In 1931, Nakaya was granted a Doctor of Science degree by Kyōto University. While he was in Hokkaidō, Nakaya borrowed a rugged hut on Mount T...
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